Thursday, December 23, 2010

Whitney Engen & Casey Nogueira Show Their Moves

The sport of the world, soccer or as most call it football, is a game that is very passionate and respected. Since I was very little, I remember seeing both my Colombian and Czech families get excited for the game.

Slowly I became a fan and always dreamed of doing soccer tricks. My desire to want to play was quickly replaced by one of just being a fan. As much as I would have loved to play soccer growing up, the opportunity never really presented itself. But to this day, I am an fanatic! And when the World Cup comes around, I am completely submerged in the event. Soccer truly brings countries together.

Soccer has even united soccer players Whitney Engen and Casey Nogueira who showed me their moves on and off the field when I came to visit them in Chicago. Their friendship is like no other I have seen in sports. They know everything about each other and can even finish each other’s sentences.

These best friends gave me the inside scoop on their training, their mental and physical preparation, as well as their fondest memories with each other. Turns out these two Chicago Red Star players like to have dance parties in the locker room before games to pump the team up.

They taught me how to 'Pop, Lock, and Drop It' (Whitney's signature move) and how to 'Pancake it' (Casey's signature move). They even suggested I attend one of their pre-game dance parties to show them what I can bring to the dance floor.

This friendship is definitely contagious!


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gevvy Gets Tackled by the Utah Jynx

The Utah Jynx football team is opening doors for athletes everywhere! Before I got there, I was sort of nervous because I had to go out and buy a mouth guard incase I got tackled. I just could not imagine being tackled by a defensive lineman. So, did I get tackled? You bet!

Back to square one though. When I arrived, Coach Greg helped me suit up before I got out on the field. Once everything was in place, including my mouth guard, pads, and helmet, I went on the field and introduced myself to the semi-professional football team. I even brought my Nike football jersey that had my name on it.

Immediately, I got in line and started to do the warm up and drills. At first, I was struggling just a bit with all of the weight of the pads and helmet, but soon I was zipping through the drills. Angela, one of the defensive linemen, suggested that I should tryout for their team (she thought I would be a good receiver since I was so fast).

The women were so inspirational and motivational. They truly made me feel part of the team. Instead of calling me Gevvy or Gevrina, the coaches decided to nickname me "Nike". After drills, we went straight into a scrimmage and they had me run a play. This is the precise moment that I got tackled. Ouch! Did not expect that. Better yet, the woman who tackled me, Vee, is 39! Making her the oldest woman on the team. Even though we were on opposing teams she became my favorite player.

I interviewed Vee after practice and she told me that she plays for the women on the team and her kids. Her son who plays football in high school is number 23, in honor of his mom's jersey number. Football has kept her looking and feeling young.

As I stood on the sidelines after I was interviewed by KSL, a local news station, I became kind of teary-eyed. I felt so touched by these women who are breaking the stereotypes of what women are told they can and cannot do.

To them, there is no 'CANNOT!' Where there is a will, there is a way. The Utah Jynx football team plays because they love the sport. Remember to love what you do and do what you love!

Your favorite safety,

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Gevvy vs Gym: Boot Camp Navy Seal Style

You all I know that when it comes to working out, I’ll be trying out the most challenging or the most butt kicking workouts that are out there for me to try. What can I say? I like a good sweat!

While there were very many tempting activities at the espnW Retreat like massages and facials, I decided to go the more challenging route I guess you would say. And why would I not want to do the Navy Seals Boot Camp at the beach with former Olympians and other professional athletes? Come on now, I couldn’t pass that one up!

Plus I had to show of my skills since I had Warrior Fitness Boot Camp under my belt. We headed over to the beach and started off lying on our backs in the sand. We were all close together and were divided into two lines and each line was in charge of a rope. We had to rest the rope along our bodies and never let it touch the sand. This rope was supposedly our “friend” but by the time I was done doing 300 crunches, it was more my enemy.

The surprising part of it all was regardless of how tired I was, I never gave up. I came to realize that I was just so motivated by the women I was with. We were all there to be each other's support. No one wanted to let anyone down. and we all managed to pull through.

It was honestly incredible! We ran, did crunches, army crawls, sit-ups, you name it we did. I totally understand why sports teams have such a strong bond. You are with a group of either men or women all competing for the same goal. I miss that team spirit I was able to find it at the espnW Retreat.

I want to take this time and give it up for the women around the world who are constantly pushing past their limits and training hard and never give up! And of course to all the women I did the Navy Seal Boot Camp with! You girls Rock!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gevvy Goes Under the 'Big Top'

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, present The GREATEST Show on Earth!

It definitely was the greatest show on earth! Let me tell you just what this Nike Field Reporter did. Here are some of the things I did that I recommend for others to put on their bucket list. Oh and mind you, this was my first time at a circus…

One- I rode a small clown bicycle.

Two- I was pulled up into the air by a woman's hair. Hard to believe? Yes, I know. Just check the photos below.

Three- I rode a trapeze ring 25 ft in the air that had a motorcycle on the top, where a man did a handstand. I conquered my fear of heights...scariest ride I've done is the Pirates of Caribbean. So this was HUGE for me.

Four- I stood in between two brothers juggling bowl pins to each other.

Five- I stood on a Russian Bar that was about five feet off the ground.

Everyone was so proud to show off their unique talent and all of their dedication to their craft and their public was very uplifting. All of them incorporate a very disciplined training regiment into their craft. One of the acrobats, mentioned, "I need to love what I do, because it can kill me." They all are well aware of how dangerous their jobs are but they do it because they love it and they love making people smile. I on the other hand was not smiling too much. I was sweating profusely, nervous that one of them was going to mess up and fall or hurt themselves.

These athletes are very artistic and make their craft look so easy. In reality, they are always training even behind the scenes. I learned that lots of times, some of these athletic performers have been born into the circus. Meaning the circus life has been part of their family for generations! Wow! And there I was at my first show ever marveling over how strong, mentally and physically, they all were.

The show is a definite must see. I had never been to a circus before so the feeling was overwhelming. The closest thing to experiencing a circus for me was watching Disney's Dumbo. I totally got the VIP treatment in terms of all the stuff I got to see and do. After the show, each individual act came out and allowed me to be part of their daily routine.

Another cool part about this particular experience was that before the interviews took place their PR mentioned that they all didn't speak English very well, but that most if not all felt more comfortable speaking in a certain language. Guess what most of them spoke? Spanish! Yes, a lot of the interviews were done in Spanish because some of them did not speak English at all. Even the brothers from China spoke Spanish! Good thing I got my bases covered.

All in all, I had a FANTASTIC time at the circus and I loved how I was able to admire a myriad of athletic performances that are viewed in a more artistic light.

From the Greatest Show on Earth,

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Gevvy vs Gym: Off the Grid

Parkour is hardcore! What is it exactly? To state it simply, you can say it's a form of workout that makes you aware of your surroundings. As I approached the young group of Parkour practitioners, I began to notice that all of them were very relaxed while doing stunts and tricks. Back flips and front flips were just a few tricks that these men could do. I didn't understand at first how they were not scared of getting a serious injury from doing back flips off of a park bench.

I quickly learned that they all admitted to knowing their bodies' limitations. Enrique, a Parkour expert, mentioned that through Parkour he has found a new appreciation and awareness for the different objects that he encounters in his daily life. He then went on and translated that to a bigger picture, "the obstacles that I overcome here, has taught me that I can overcome anything else in life, nothing is impossible."

The phrase, 'I can't' is unheard of in Parkour terminology. Parkour attracts all people of all ages, and instills in them the power of positivism. The activity enhances one's perception of both the physicality of daily life as well as the mindset of every individual who practices. Having confidence and a positive state of mind is pivotal in achieving satisfying results and clean performances. There is no rush in pursuing the proper technique to jump off of 10-foot walls or doing back flips off of stairs. One can simply start by warming up and doing exercises that build up a strong core, back, arms and legs.

Once you have gained the strength both mentally and physically, you can start off by hopping over benches, or jumping off one-foot ledges, etc. Slowly, you will then be able to do more advanced tricks with the aid of a Parkour expert. They offer classes in different park locations and encourage everyone to try it. It was great to see how passionate these young men were about something they love. They all want to see Parkour evolve into a sport that is both appreciated and respected.

Parkour was a humbling experience because 'no' or 'I can't' is never an option. The fact that a workout can be applied to your personal life makes that type of sport/training much more unique and inspiring. I have started to go about my day by observing my surroundings, thinking, how do I get over this? I’ve also translated what I learned from the Parkour experts into my personal training regiment by never saying "I can't" because I can and I will.

If you're looking for something edgy, risky, and eye opening...Parkour gives you just that kind of a workout and more.

Nothing is impossible,

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ringside with Manny Pacquiao

41,734 boxing fans.

Can you imagine performing in front of so many spectators? Well Mr. Pacquiao did just that.

Before the fight, I didn’t really understand boxing or even know why so many people loved it. I definitely did not comprehend why people would want to throw a jab at another person. Yes, call me a sissy, but I know I would start to duck and cover if I was ever put in a ring. I guess my career is not in boxing. Growing up however, my dad was a huge boxing fan and of course is now a total fan of Manny Pacquiao a.k.a PACMAN. While I tried to change the TV channel from boxing to something like basketball when my dad wasn’t looking, there was always a part of me that was curious about the sport.

It was when I interviewed female lightweight amateur boxer Marlen Esparza that I realized that I was never interested in boxing before because:

a. I never gave it a chance
b. I judged it immediately
c. Simply never took the opportunity to learn about it
d. I was intimidated by it

Here my fellow readers is where most of us can relate. Many times we choose to neglect a sport that we don’t understand or know anything about. It’s such a cop out to say, “Oh I don’t really like,” than admit “I’ve never heard about it,” or “can you explain it to me cause I just don’t get it.”

I of all people should know better considering I was on the rowing team and my other friends would bluntly say, “rowing is boring, what’s the point?” I would then think to myself and come to the conclusion that they didn’t like rowing cause they had never tried it or knew enough about it. So, when I spoke to Marlen, we instantly bonded because we were both young female athletes in sports that sometimes get over looked because of how intimidating it is.

Let’s be honest, boxing is not just a “little” intimidating—it’s extremely intimidating. Marlen made me see how much boxing has given to her. Not only is she a strong girl both mentally and physically but also she has more than one goal in mind. That is what sport does, it unties people and gives people opportunities. Marlen made me realize that you should always give something or someone a chance and not be intimidated of something just because you don’t know about it.

With that in mind, I decided to talk to my dad more about his passion and asked him to give me the 411 on boxing and he did. The best part was when I called him and told him I was going to interview his favorite athlete Manny Pacquiao before the fight. Let me just say that his daily phone call multiplied by 10.

Papa Seferaj was hilarious. He called me about 10 times a day a week prior to the interview with suggestions on what kind of questions to ask Manny. They were all corny but being able to talk about a sport with my dad that he liked was incredible. It actually brought a “bunny tear” to my eye (yes I said bunny tear, feel free to use it). I got teary because my dad has gone to watch Pacquiao fight the last seven years and this was the first fight since then that my dad was unable to attend. Ironically I did AND got to interview him.

Manny Pacquiao has a special presence about him that no words can describe. He is gentle, kind, humble and appreciative. Today fame, money, and power can sometimes steer people on the wrong path, but not for Manny. The PACMAN has stayed true to his family, fans and country. The most captivating thing for me during our interview was when I asked him how he stays true to so many people? He answered, “I have what I have because of God and I am very grateful. All I want to do is serve people and make them happy.”

I walked away from that interview with a warm spot in my hurt. Manny Pacquiao made an impact on me. He is so appreciative of what he has. I look up to him and understand why he is so respected and loved around the world. Mr. Pacquiao is so devoted to his people that before I interviewed him in his hotel room he had around a 100 people in there. From friends to family, to fans to even fellow congressmen, Manny was sharing his time to be with them. Let’s put it this way, the night before I fight, I’m going to want a massage and space; Manny prefers to be surrounded by loved ones and praying with them.

Every morning before a fight, Manny attends mass and invites whoever wants to attend. I was invited and indeed went to mass. This was another surreal experience to see an important, and successful athlete take time out for his faith. He truly lives a life of example.

After the mass it was show time ladies and gents. What better why to start it off then to sit next to female boxer Marlen and No.1 U.S. ranked male heavyweight boxer Steve Geffrard. We were Team Nike; two Nike boxers and a Nike Field Reporter charged with great confidence that our beloved Manny was going to win his eighth straight world championship. We had VIP seats and this tour trio definitely put the V-I-P in VIP :D

Nelly actually kicked it off by performing a couple songs, and the three of us were singing along and dancing. Soon after, the most anticipated fight of the year began. I asked Steve “what do you love about boxing?” I guess I wanted someone to answer the question that everyone in my past had failed to answer (with the exception of my dad of course) Steve answered, “I love it. It’s my passion because it gives me discipline, keeps me out of trouble, and I love it because it’s like my family.”

So as I turned back to look at the ring, I saw a man from the Philippines who loves boxing and what it has given him and his people—an opportunity. Pacquiao won his eighth title and completely dominated the ring but, most importantly he continues to teach us all to stay true to our families, our friends, our faith and ourselves.

Thank you Mr. Pacquiao!


Monday, November 15, 2010

Jessica Mendoza Leads By Example

All of us have pretty jam_packed lives. From juggling school, work, a husband or kids, we all have a lot going on. And don’t forget we also have social media that keeps us in the loop of everyone else’s hectic lives.

As of now, I’m balancing writing articles, preparing for my interviews, working out, staying socially connected, volunteering, friends and my family. What are you juggling? Feel stress at some points? Well how about being an athlete, being a sideline reporter, having a husband and a baby boy? That is the life style of one of my favorite athletes Jessica Mendoza.

Jessica has a contagious smile and immediately gives off a nurturing presence. If you didn’t know she is actually going to start doing sideline reporting for college football. This young mother and loving wife who juggles so much and has become a world-renowned athlete who many admire.

As we hung out at the gym, I watched Jessica work out, and boy is she in stellar shape. We talked about leadership and what she thinks makes a good leader. A strong leader never gives up and does what he or she feels like, remaining respectful toward the people around them.

“Dream it, live it, love it,” is Jessica’s motto and I have to say, I like it! Dream big, live your dream, and love what you do! I can tell that Jessica is extremely passionate about every aspect of her life. My all-time favorite moment during the interview, was when she told me that she is a mom first and her baby boy ran up to us. He’s such a little stud. I thought it was really cute when she said, “How can I stay mad after striking out when I come home to this little guy?”

I also saw Jess at the espnW retreat and we exchanged our experiences. Jessica totally embodies a woman of power and leadership. She is strong yet humble and believe me, she kicks butt on the field. Her passion for life has definitely fueled her leadership role on and off the field.

Having the support and love of her family is something that is very important to Jess and I feel that having support from loved ones always causes the stress to disappear. Regardless of how hectic our lifestyles are, we just have to remember to give ourselves time to enjoy the company of family and friends. Once we are recharged we are ready to take on the world again!


Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Inside Scoop on Nike Free

Question: Would you consider yourself to be shoe-savvy?

Better yet, would you consider yourself to be wearing the freshest kicks?

Well for those of you who like to look hot and wear the latest trend, let me whisk you off to a little world of sneaker wonders.

I met with the designer of the new Nike Free XT Quick Fit +, Mark Miner. Let’s just say that there was a lot of time, creativity, and hard work put into this shoe. Mark and the Nike team definitely heard all of our wants and needs because they created a shoe that fulfills all our sneaker desires.

Mark Miner is a young New York native who designed his first shoe out of paper for class. He said he likes to pay attention to detail, and girls let’s be real, we love those small details on things. Mark is laid back and finds his inspiration when he travels and just starts sketching.

He was so genuine and down to earth that he actually gave me positive feedback on my Cardio Club shoe that I quickly designed after our interview (hahahah “Cardio Club” now that’s a piece of work).

Mark is passionate about his design and I could tell that he really thinks every step through. He definitely delivered a product that meets our needs. When we are heading over to the gym, the last thing we need is our training shoes weighing our bag down. What we need is a lightweight shoe that we can take anywhere.

So ladies and gents I present to you the Nike Free XT Quick Fit+! Let me tell you a little bit about this new sensation that will be giving your feet the deserved treatment they’ve been looking for.

1. They are lightweight so you can take them anywhere and everywhere.

2. You feel like you are barefoot, no more clunky training shoes weighing you down as you workout.

3. Ever heard of Flywire Technology? Well these little guys have just that, making them light and comfortable.

4. They have multidirectional flex grooves that allow the foot to move in a natural motion while you’re doing your thing at the gym!

5. Offers great traction for a variety of surfaces. You can take these shoes for a run or to an indoor gym class.

Meeting Mark was literally the coolest experience in the sense that I got to hang out with one of the designers from Nike!! Now every time I go to the gym, I’m going to look at my fly shoes and know the person behind the shoe. I honestly had no idea how much time is put into creating the most innovative piece of technology for our feet!

This new Nike shoe pushes the boundaries of any conventional training shoe out there. So don’t think twice, check them out for yourself. Then when you’re at the gym and feeling great because of how comfortable, light, and versatile your new Nike Free XT Quick Fit+ thank your Nike designer Mark Miner for delivering you the best.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Gevvy vs Gym: CrossFit Style

Hello fellow gym rats. If you’re in need of finding a CrossFit studio then UTE CrossFit is for you!

UTE CrossFit studio had so many different machines and types of weights that I had no idea what the class was going to be like. I met up with trainer/owner Bobbie Jo Hackenbruck, who was a collegiate soccer player and also met her husband Tommy who played football in college.

Having such a strong athletic background, Tommy and Bobbie Jo decided to move back to Utah and open a CrossFit studio.

The studio has been very successful because CrossFit is slowly becoming the "new" yoga, or more commonly known as the "new grassroots health movement." CrossFit is the principal strengthening and conditioning regimen that many elite athletes, as well as police academies and special military units do.

CrossFit combines sprinting, carrying heavy objects, gymnastics, weight lifting and cardio; all to promote a healthier lifestyle.

We warmed up by doing 3 sets of 12 of push-ups, wall squats, and lunges. Once we were warmed up, we were paired with partners and did a seven-minute work out. It doesn't seem long, but believe me it was just enough. Our routine went as followed: 50 pull ups, 50 squats, 50 kettle bell arm swings, 50 sit-ups, 50 lunges, 250m row, holding plank position for two minutes and burpees. I was sweaty and exhausted.

I almost forgot, after the workout and burpee challenge, I had to get on a bike and pedal until I burned 25 calories. The first few minutes of post workout were not great but once I caught my breath, I felt great!

Bobbie Jo made a very valid point during the interview; she mentioned that if she had done CrossFit during her career as a soccer player she would have been better prepared for the entire season. CrossFit offers the perfect balance. It targets every part of your body because you are doing interval training.

Advice: Do NOT eat before taking a CrossFit class, and after you're done, make sure you drink a protein shake to repair your muscles! That’s the best approach when you are going to workout! I apparently had a rough time in the class due to my lunch I had twenty minutes prior to the workout. So don’t make that mistake.

If you have any suggestions on me trying out a gym near you, make sure you contact me on twitter @Nike_NFR and let me know! Maybe it can be you and me vs. the gym.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Gevvy vs Gym: on the playground

I'm sure all of you think your workouts are hard, but may I give a suggestion? I recommend that if you want a "new" definition of the word hard, you must take a class from Marie Purvis. I'm not talking about the typical class, where you stretch, do some cardio and then some weight. Oh no... I'm talking about an intense workout that by the looks of it you might think the inner child in you might come out (and at first it totally will) until you start working muscles you have never thought existed.

So how did my workout go? At first I was extremely confident in my training because "failing to prepare, is preparing to fail," so that was out of the question, however when I trained with Marie I developed a new sense of appreciation for what my body can do once it is trained properly.

I fell in love with Marie the instant I met her and knew that she was going to really push me past my comfort zone. I thought the workout was going to be manageable considering my strict running schedule, but boy was I wrong.  We both bonded instantaneously and of course she took me over to warm up right next to a 75 lbs tire. Mind you, my upper body is weak, but I still said to myself, "no biggie." Guys... I cannot stress to you enough how DIFFICULT it was for me to squat and lift this object. I did it (slowly but surely)!

That obviously was not the only thing Marie had in store for me because she took me straight to the volleyball courts and made me do foot work in the stand. The most challenging part was definitely sinking into the sand and trying to find that stability using your core. There was a moment where I was exhausted but I couldn't tell if it was me just allowing my body to take over or not. I find that most of the times, particularly in my case, we give up quickly when we are tried and that's because, we're comfortable. We're allowing our bodies to take over when it should be the other way around--mind over body. I did just that, I ignored the pain and exhaustion and said "Marie, I'm comfortable." She pushed me and I did it.

The word "finished" was no where in Marie's mind, so off we went to a park where my inner child came out, despite the intensity of the work out. Get this, she made me stand over a swing in a plank position with my hands on the swing. Then made me write out the alphabet with the swing seat while remaining in plank position. How about that for the greatest workout ever?  For those of you park goers who have kids running around the playground, now you definitely don't have an excuse.

There was so much variety in terms of exercises, terrains, and textures that my entire body was challenged. There was no muscle that went unnoticed. After taking this training session from Marie where I even did workouts on a TRX band, I realized how grateful I am to have had a workout with Marie. I was clearly not pushing myself hard enough. But most importantly Marie taught me that there is no excuse to neglect one's body from a good, challenging, healthy workout!

A sore reporter,

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Kristen Kjellman: Can You Say Tewarraton?

Have you ever played a sport or done a hobby that no one knows about?

Being on the rowing team, it was very common for me to be that person who played a sport that no one really knew about. It became second nature for me to explain in great detail what rowing was all about.

Before interviewing professional lacrosse player, Kristen Kjellman, I felt as if she might be in the same shoes as me in terms of always having to explain her sport to people. She had to teach me the ins and outs of lacrosse and was really genuine and sweet.

Kjellman is the first lacrosse player (male or female) to be the Tewarraton Trophy winner in back-to back-seasons. Sound intimidating right? Butshe is really just your total girl next door who is willing to kick back, relax and chat.

After she was done with her photo shoot, (which reminded me a little of my photo shoot) Kristen gave me the 411 on lacrosse, including how she mentally and physically prepares before each match and how preparation allowed her to win a gold medal in the Czech Republic.

Having recently moved from Chicago to New York Kjellman gave me some fashion and music suggestions, which I’m very grateful for! It was a great experience to talk with a stellar athlete who I could relate to on so many levels; especially playing a sport that is not very common.

It goes to show, there is so much talent out there and there are athletes who are making a difference in their own niche! You can to!


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hope Solo says BOOM!

Hey Nike World! If you were wondering where this fantastic job has taken me, well let’s just say I flew across the country and made friends! That sounds odd I know, but hear me out. I started the weekend by flying to Philly, city of cheese steak sandwiches and the “Rocky” steps.

Sunday came and I was pumped, I mean who wouldn’t be pumped to be on a Nike commercial TV set with the one and only soccer Rock Star Hope Solo?

When I arrived I noticed the heat was unlike the sunny California weather I’m use to, but that didn’t matter because I was about to interview Hope Solo.

Boy was I wrong neglecting the weather because as I waited for Hope to finish her photo shoot, I got a bloody nose. A man came up to me and said, “You must be from California?” I was going to leave it out of my blog post, but I said to myself, “This is a once in a lifetime experience and I got a bloody nose before the interview? What is this?”. It was total comic relief; I felt great and just made the best of it.

Hope was great! Super charming and has a great presence on and off camera. We made our way onto the field and we both mocked each other for wearing the hottest clothes for that day. Apparently we didn’t get the weather memo.

Aside from the 200+ extras that were there, the cameras, the TV set, the heat, and Hope (of course), the coolest thing that I really enjoyed was when I spoke to Hope about how she bounces back from a mistake that she might make during a game. She answered that she simply tears a piece of grass from the ground and tosses it in front of her saying, “just let it go.”

I took this to heart and now any time something doesn’t go as expected, I simply say, “I’m just gonna let it go”. So Hope, thanks for that piece of advice!


Monday, September 27, 2010

Conquering The Pitching Mound

I went to Chico, California, and was truly honored to have met a woman, Eri Yoshida who is the first female ever to play professional baseball in three countries. She is 5'1” and can throw a mean knuckle ball at about 63 mph. She is known as the "knuckle princess" and mentioned in her interview that she doesn't like the name simply because she doesn't feel that she deserves the title.

Three words I would use to describe Eri would be sweet, passionate and humble. After watching her batting practice and warm up, I was granted the opportunity to interview the Chico Outlaws coach, Garry Templeton. It was great to hear his story on how he found Eri and what he thinks of her as a ball player.

The fans were spectacular! The stands were filled with very loud cheering fans that not only respected Eri as a female who has inspired many women, but they all admired her dedication and humble nature. Eri's charismatic persona attracts tons of fans, who were all waiting for her after the game.

She was very excited to do the interview and reminded me that her goal is to play ball in the MLB, she doesn't want to be praised until she fulfills that goal.

We then spoke about how she prepares before the game and also about some of the jokes her teammates play on her. She told that before each game she has a different handshake with each teammate. My favorite part of the interview was when she created a unique handshake for us. It was also really cool when we brought in her catcher, Robby Alcombrack, and did an interview with him as well. They also did their pre-game 'handshake' and then Robby and I debated on who had the cooler handshake with Miss Eri.

So while I think Eri and I have the coolest handshake thus far, I know I’m going to keep track of her performance. She is truly and inspiration to me and has showed me that a Nike woman can do it all!


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Running In Pretty Dresses

When you think FASHION WEEK, you might think of one of these: blazers, high heels, sneakers, mini skirts, shorts, dresses, a little bling-bling here and there, the lists goes on and on. While the word sneaker might stick out in the above mentioned list, I think it would be great to take sneakers to another level, considering the impact the Air Force 1 has had on culture.

So what better way to spend my own fashion week than by grabbing my running shoes and interviewing Swedish fashion reporter Sofia Hedstrom, who gave me the inside scoop on her life as a fashion reporter and her new hobby of running marathons.

When you go on a run, do you ever think about dresses, makeup, or even jewelry? Well, while you and I might stick to shorts and a pair of Nikes, Sofia, does quite the opposite.

She totally adds flare to her running apparel (must be all those fashion shows), which has made her stand out from any other runner that I have ever met. Sofia stays true to herself by doing what makes her comfortable and happy and that’s running in dresses. She considers running in dresses and wearing red Chanel lipstick as her staple.

FSF (Fun Side Fact): according to Sofia, Chanel lipstick lasts at least 20 miles! She’s tested it in all the marathons she has run. How about you put that one your shopping list ;)

Sofia started running three years ago to bring balance to her hectic schedule as a reporter. With all the traveling, running seemed to be the perfect constant in her rapidly changing lifestyle. Since we are both reporters on the go, she gave me some advice and told me to run every chance I get. Her career has taken her to Sweden, China, Brazil, Italy, and Paris, and what better way to view the country than by running! She’s getting a workout and sightseeing all in one.

We concluded our interview by warming up and then running around her neighborhood in Brooklyn. Of course, being the girls that we are, we continued to chitchat about fashion, working out, staying healthy and traveling. We even started to compare who travels more in a week. The life of a reporter… unpredictable and a whole lot of glitter!


Saturday, August 21, 2010

WBF: That's A Wrap!

How curious are you to know how I wrapped up my experience of the World Basketball Festival? Let me just tell you this weekend was jam packed with great street ball, witty MCs, entertaining activities, surprising appearances from some of our favorite athletes, and comedic interviews.

Aside from watching great street ball, I was also able to mosey around and check out the other activities that were going on at Rucker. You could definitely NOT get bored! For the young men who were feeling fabulous, there was a barber shop where they could get the latest haircuts...I was even offered a 'mohawk haircut' but I wasn't feeling as daring you can say.

After snagging a few interviews at this hot spot, I made my way to a green screen where I was able to replicate my man Kevin Durant's signature move. While I'm not as coordinated as I use to be, technology and Nike made me look like a pro on my poster that was made after they filmed me.

If that's not enough, I spoke to some of the MCs, that were full of wit,energy and passion! They brought so much life to the game that I was impressed by their talent and the impact that they have made on the players and the community.

And to put the icing on the cake, the one and only Mr. Kobe Bryant made an appearance in the morning for a children's clinic that he was part of. It was great to see him after his back-to-back championship wins and of course interact with so many children that admire him.

My weekend in New York City was incredible! I did so much in such little time.
From creating my own signature move, to learning what makes Rucker a hot spot, I was able to not only enjoy the festival but see all the positive effects that the World Basketball Festival had on the community.Basketball, like any other sport, brings people together and that is a sight to be seen. It is evident the magic that one can experience at Rucker.


Monday, August 16, 2010


When it comes down to the "Battle of the Boroughs" who do you rep? Well, if you ask me I was repping all five boroughs.

For those of you who don't know what the Battle of the Boroughs is, it's pretty simple. It's cross-town high school basketball rivalry at its finest. While the second day of the World Basketball Festival began to unravel the crowds became more animated with each game that led to the championship.

Fans, MC's, and even coaches were cheering on their local teams. You can definitely say there was a lot of New York pride, as everyone at the event was very supportive of the raw talent and all out basketball performances. This is where legends are made.

I got to hang out with one of the coaches and asked him how a player gets street credibility on the courts and what he, as a coach, does to make his players tough. After an engaging conversation I made my way around the Festival where I ate some mouth watering Harlem soul food: mac n' cheese, fried chicken and candied yams. Once I was done enjoying my delicious food I continued to watch some edge of my seat bball.

Oops, and of course how could I forget to mention the highlight of my day!?! Our beloved Kobe made it out to Rucker to teach a basketball clinic. It was great to see him after his championship win this year. I was amazed! That was definitely the frosting on the cake!

So, make sure you keep it locked here, for more on the first ever World Basketball Festival!


Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Story Behind A Staple: The Air Force 1

Have you heard the history behind the Air Force 1? Are you an Air Force 1 aficionado? Well I didn't know the story of this legendary shoe until I pulled up to the Apollo theater for the screening of the documentary, "The Anatomy of an Urban Legend."

After so much fun earlier that day it was great to stand alongside the red carpet and interview stars such as Rudy Gay,Danny Granger,Douglas Ellin, Grand Master Caz, and Datwon Thomas just to name a few.

Once everyone made their way inside, I too got the opportunity to go in and watch the movie. I was instantly distracted by this beautiful display of white Air Force 1's hanging from the wall.

The film was incredible. To think that one shoe, one brand, has changed the way we all see culture is fascinating. There's a lot of great content and information that will leave you in awe. Without giving away too much information, make sure you watch this documentary as soon as it comes out!


Saturday, August 14, 2010

WBF Day 1: Repping Harlem!

Rucker, the park where legends are made, was everything I thought it would be if not more. People of all ages filled the stands as they got ready to cheer on the different teams that made their showcase at this event.

I made my way through the park and participated in the various activities that Nike had set up. My favorite of course was the "signature move" spot, where I got to assimilate Kevin Durant's sig move and I got a poster with the progression of my move that I did on the big screen! :)

After checking out the games and park I was able to kick it with my new homie Terrence J, the host of BET’s 106 and Park. We chatted about Harlem and how the World Basketball Festival has been so inspiring to the youth and the community. Not to mention, that he taught me a Harlem "handshake."

There's a lot of rocking stuff at the WBF event so make sure you stay tuned on Facebook and on my Twitter @Nike_NFR for more updates on my weekend in the Big Apple.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Get Ready!

I'm gonna throw it down pretty basic and let you know that I want YOU...yes YOU, to hop on and get ready for a H-O-T year. Not only am I going to turn up the volume this year but also, most importantly, I want YOU all to join me as I set off on a quest to find out what makes up a "Nike Woman."

I was a Division I athlete at UCLA where I graduated with an English major and a minor in Film and Television. My teammates and friends would describe me as a ball of fire OR a firecracker. With that said, I'm ready to blow things up and take it to the next level but I need a partner in crime and that's YOU.

So, if you're up for the challenge and a great time, let's hit some locker rooms, red carpets, bleachers, gyms and anywhere else we get access to. Make sure you keep it locked right here on my blog for regular updates from me.

Oh and one last thing...let's hit this year out of the park. Cheers!
