Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ringside with Manny Pacquiao

41,734 boxing fans.

Can you imagine performing in front of so many spectators? Well Mr. Pacquiao did just that.

Before the fight, I didn’t really understand boxing or even know why so many people loved it. I definitely did not comprehend why people would want to throw a jab at another person. Yes, call me a sissy, but I know I would start to duck and cover if I was ever put in a ring. I guess my career is not in boxing. Growing up however, my dad was a huge boxing fan and of course is now a total fan of Manny Pacquiao a.k.a PACMAN. While I tried to change the TV channel from boxing to something like basketball when my dad wasn’t looking, there was always a part of me that was curious about the sport.

It was when I interviewed female lightweight amateur boxer Marlen Esparza that I realized that I was never interested in boxing before because:

a. I never gave it a chance
b. I judged it immediately
c. Simply never took the opportunity to learn about it
d. I was intimidated by it

Here my fellow readers is where most of us can relate. Many times we choose to neglect a sport that we don’t understand or know anything about. It’s such a cop out to say, “Oh I don’t really like,” than admit “I’ve never heard about it,” or “can you explain it to me cause I just don’t get it.”

I of all people should know better considering I was on the rowing team and my other friends would bluntly say, “rowing is boring, what’s the point?” I would then think to myself and come to the conclusion that they didn’t like rowing cause they had never tried it or knew enough about it. So, when I spoke to Marlen, we instantly bonded because we were both young female athletes in sports that sometimes get over looked because of how intimidating it is.

Let’s be honest, boxing is not just a “little” intimidating—it’s extremely intimidating. Marlen made me see how much boxing has given to her. Not only is she a strong girl both mentally and physically but also she has more than one goal in mind. That is what sport does, it unties people and gives people opportunities. Marlen made me realize that you should always give something or someone a chance and not be intimidated of something just because you don’t know about it.

With that in mind, I decided to talk to my dad more about his passion and asked him to give me the 411 on boxing and he did. The best part was when I called him and told him I was going to interview his favorite athlete Manny Pacquiao before the fight. Let me just say that his daily phone call multiplied by 10.

Papa Seferaj was hilarious. He called me about 10 times a day a week prior to the interview with suggestions on what kind of questions to ask Manny. They were all corny but being able to talk about a sport with my dad that he liked was incredible. It actually brought a “bunny tear” to my eye (yes I said bunny tear, feel free to use it). I got teary because my dad has gone to watch Pacquiao fight the last seven years and this was the first fight since then that my dad was unable to attend. Ironically I did AND got to interview him.

Manny Pacquiao has a special presence about him that no words can describe. He is gentle, kind, humble and appreciative. Today fame, money, and power can sometimes steer people on the wrong path, but not for Manny. The PACMAN has stayed true to his family, fans and country. The most captivating thing for me during our interview was when I asked him how he stays true to so many people? He answered, “I have what I have because of God and I am very grateful. All I want to do is serve people and make them happy.”

I walked away from that interview with a warm spot in my hurt. Manny Pacquiao made an impact on me. He is so appreciative of what he has. I look up to him and understand why he is so respected and loved around the world. Mr. Pacquiao is so devoted to his people that before I interviewed him in his hotel room he had around a 100 people in there. From friends to family, to fans to even fellow congressmen, Manny was sharing his time to be with them. Let’s put it this way, the night before I fight, I’m going to want a massage and space; Manny prefers to be surrounded by loved ones and praying with them.

Every morning before a fight, Manny attends mass and invites whoever wants to attend. I was invited and indeed went to mass. This was another surreal experience to see an important, and successful athlete take time out for his faith. He truly lives a life of example.

After the mass it was show time ladies and gents. What better why to start it off then to sit next to female boxer Marlen and No.1 U.S. ranked male heavyweight boxer Steve Geffrard. We were Team Nike; two Nike boxers and a Nike Field Reporter charged with great confidence that our beloved Manny was going to win his eighth straight world championship. We had VIP seats and this tour trio definitely put the V-I-P in VIP :D

Nelly actually kicked it off by performing a couple songs, and the three of us were singing along and dancing. Soon after, the most anticipated fight of the year began. I asked Steve “what do you love about boxing?” I guess I wanted someone to answer the question that everyone in my past had failed to answer (with the exception of my dad of course) Steve answered, “I love it. It’s my passion because it gives me discipline, keeps me out of trouble, and I love it because it’s like my family.”

So as I turned back to look at the ring, I saw a man from the Philippines who loves boxing and what it has given him and his people—an opportunity. Pacquiao won his eighth title and completely dominated the ring but, most importantly he continues to teach us all to stay true to our families, our friends, our faith and ourselves.

Thank you Mr. Pacquiao!


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